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Fun Sunday – Sun Valley’s Summer Event
Sun Valley’s Fun Sunday, the Valley’s summer event is being held this year on July 8 from 9am until 4pm. The day includes a Show & Shine car show, kid’s games, food and entertainment. Sponsors of the event include the Truckee Meadows Optimist Club, the Sun Valley GID, Hobey’s Casino/Restaurant, Dalool Performance, and Sierra Car Care. The annual event is held at the Sun Valley Community Park and admission is free.
Stewart White -Thank You for 30 Years of Dedication
Attorney Stewart White has served the District as its legal counsel for over 30 years. His commitment to the District over the years has been above and beyond standard legal services. He took a genuine interest in the District and its goal to provide the highest quality water and services to our customers. Thank you Mr. White and we all hope you enjoy your retirement. Thanks for everything!
Health & Safety Fair A Big Success
This year’s health and safety fair served over 350 Washoe County families with free health and safety information and services including free immunizations, booster seats, child IDs, bicycle helmets and more. The organizers of the annual event Northern Nevada Immunization Coalition (NNIC), Safe Kids Washoe County, Virginia Palmer Elementary School, Rotary Club of Reno, Sunrise and the Sun Valley Family Resource Center would like to thank all sponsors, volunteers and donors.
SV Pool Aquatic Supervisor
Meet Erica Burnett, enjoying her first year as the Aquatic Supervisor for the Sun Valley Pool. She has worked at the pool for 4 years, and most recently as the head lifeguard. She became interested in lifeguarding after training for sprint triathlons and developing a love for swimming. She is a senior at UNR studying Wildlife Ecology and Conservation and previously attended Robert McQueen High School, graduating in 2007. Erica loves her job. She gets to spend her days outside enjoying the summer and the people that use the pool. “I feel like this pool is a great recreational activity for kids and families and I enjoy creating a safe and fun environment for everyone to enjoy.”
Community Service Awards
If you know of a person and/or business in the Sun Valley community, please consider nominating them for the District’s annual Community Service Awards. It gives the community the opportunity to publicly thank those that go that extra mile, for the Valley and its quality of life. Submit your nomination(s) in person at the GID office at 5000 Sun Valley Blvd., or send in an email to info@svgid.com and the awards will be presented during the Sun Valley Fun Sunday. Deadline for submitting nominations is Sunday, July 1, 2012.
Sun Valley Annual Photo Contest
If you enjoy snapping pictures, take some around Sun Valley and enter your favorite in the annual photo contest. Along with cash prizes, your photo will be displayed at the District offices at 5000 Sun Valley Blvd. Deadline for entering is September 1, 2012, you must be a district customer and the photo must be taken in Sun Valley. Submit your photo to info@svgid.com.
Lunch Program
Free summer lunches for kids from 1-18 are at Virginia Palmer Elementary School, 5890 Klondike Drive; Sun Valley Community Park, 115 W. 6th Avenue; Gepford Park, 5300 Leon Dr. and Boulder Creek Apts, 4005 Moorpark (near the pool). Programs run from 6/18-7/20 Mon-Fri, times vary. For information call 775-331-3663.
Senior Lunch Program
For information and requirements on the Senior Lunch Program at the Senior Center, call the center at 775-328- 2575.
Swim Lessons
The Sun Valley Pool offers summer swim lessons for all levels starting with Tiny Tots lessons that include swim readiness, safety skills, and taught in a fun environment. Sign up for the July-August swim lessons. For a schedule of all swim lessons, visit the District website at www. svgid.com or call the pool at 775-673-0754.
District Staff
Darrin Price, General Manager for the Sun Valley General Improvement District was recently elected Member at Large for Nevada Recreation & Park Society’s Executive Board, a group formed in 1955 to promote public appreciation for recreation and parks. Mike Ariztia, Public Works Director at the District is Chairman for The Nevada Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network (NVWARN.org) which is designed to facilitate rapid emergency response among the group’s member utilities.
Summer Time – Conserve Water
Now that the summer months are here it is more important to watch your water consumption, in the home and outside. One of the best things you can do right now is the voluntary water plan that allows three specific days for watering the lawn and any day of the week to hand water your gardens, shrubs and trees.
Assigned-Day Watering
If the last number of your home or business address is EVEN (0,2,4,6,8) water your lawn on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. ODD (1,3,5,7,9) water your lawn Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Do not water between noon and 6pm from Memorial Day through Labor Day. Give watering a rest on Monday for the water system to replenish and maintain the water system. Assigned Day watering helps regulate water use in the Valley during peak months. Please don’t waste, and please member to water weather-wisely on the recommended days. Hand watering of trees, shrubs, flower beds and vegetable gardens is fine any day of the week. Thanks for helping to conserve water in Sun Valley.